[英语学习] 应届毕业生应对人工智能对性别平等的影响

Graduate jobseekers navigate AI effect on gender equality

As this year’s graduates prepare to enter the workforce, many are either anxious or flat out terrified about the impact of artificial intelligence — particularly large language models such as ChatGPT — on their careers.

According to a poll by the BestColleges website, six in ten US college students worry that the use of AI in their studies is diminishing the value of earning a degree. Even worse, more than half expect that growing use of AI in the workplace will further devalue the worth of their studies to potential employers.

Fears are particularly rampant that women, who are under-represented in computing and science degrees, will get shut out of the job market. Right now, corporate technology departments are mostly male. Does that mean the gender balance will tilt in other jobs, as AI spreads into marketing and core business functions?

Those concerns are valid if employers, and the hiring algorithms that help sort through CVs, become convinced that technical degrees are required to work with AI tools. Programs such as ChatGPT can make it much easier to work with data and do simple programming because they provide a more intuitive interface. That means students wanting to go into specialised IT or data science jobs will probably need to take more advanced courses to show they have skills in those fields, rather than taking a few courses as part of a liberal arts degree.

But the impact of AI on employability may be quite different outside of computer programming, some employers say. The rise of AI is already creating new opportunities for students who have studied liberal arts. This is particularly true for writing-intensive subjects, such as English and history, that draw more female students than technology and require students to pull together diverse sources of information. That is because the companies that are starting to use AI to deal with customers are hiring writers to produce scripts and prompts for chatbots to use.

Once graduated, both genders also worry that AI could reshape the job market for entry level work. Early experiments in the financial and professional services industries do suggest that AI tools will change the way marketing, investment banking and legal documents are created. Those changes could free junior employees from drudgery. But the more work that is turned over to AI, the fewer jobs will be needed. And most of these jobs currently operate on an apprenticeship model, in which doing the grunt work gives young employees a ringside seat for more substantive work.

Senior lawyers and bankers say their businesses are just beginning to grapple with the impact of AI on their recruiting and training plans. They do not want to miss out on hiring top talent, but they fear taking on more entry-level people than they need.

Some also worry that the focus on tech will hit workplace diversity efforts. “It is automation at a completely different level, which is why I’m concerned about women . . . My biggest fear is that women will fall behind again,” says Roya Rahmani, chair of Delphos International, which provides capital markets advisory services.

In the US, employers plan to hire 5.8 per cent fewer new graduates this year, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers. The biggest reported drops were in financial services, computer and electronics manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals.

Yet here, too, fears may be overblown. Employers predict that the use of AI will start to give at least some new graduates an edge. “This generation of students will come out having a baseline knowledge and be more comfortable [with AI] than the people in the workforce now,” says Lisa Donahue, co-head of the Americas and Asia at AlixPartners, a global consulting firm.

Students and new graduates must be prepared for the changes AI will bring to the workplace. Most white-collar jobs, and many others, too, require interaction with large language models, and there is likely to be a premium for workers who can do it well.

As companies depend more on AI to retrievecondense and synthesise information, there will be greater need for people who can oversee that. Today’s LLMs are already infamous for “hallucinations” — making up answers. Dealing with that problem is likely to create a whole new work stream for humans. That, say employers, should create opportunities for new graduates with good communication skills — an area where some women thrive.

While previous tech booms advanced careers of computer science graduates, who were disproportionately male, this one could play out quite differently. “We are now all machine operators,” says Michael Zeltkevic, global head of capabilities at Oliver Wyman, a consulting firm. He argues that young graduates can prepare by seeking out courses and training focused on “how do I manage both people and bots? Just like humans, the bots are somewhat unpredictable, but that’s the price of creativity. It’s a new skill.”









一些人还担心对技术的关注会影响工作场所的多样性努力。”这是一个完全不同层次的自动化,这就是为什么我担心女性……我最大的担忧是女性会再次落后,”提供资本市场咨询服务的Delphos International的主席Roya Rahmani说。


然而,这里的担忧可能也被夸大了。雇主预测,人工智能的使用将开始给至少一些新毕业生带来优势。”这一代学生将会具备基础知识,并且比现在职场中的人更适应[人工智能],”全球咨询公司AlixPartners美洲和亚洲联合负责人Lisa Donahue说。



虽然之前的科技繁荣推动了计算机科学毕业生(主要是男性)的职业发展,但这一次可能会有所不同。”我们现在都是机器操作员,”咨询公司奥纬咨询(Oliver Wyman)全球能力主管Michael Zeltkevic说。他认为,年轻毕业生可以通过寻求专注于”如何管理人和机器人?就像人一样,机器人也有些不可预测,但这是创造力的代价。这是一项新技能。”的课程和培训来做好准备。


navigate v. 导航,引路;(有效地)处理

poll  n. 民意调查,民意测验;

diminish v. 减弱,降低,减少;贬低,轻视

rampant  adj. 泛滥的,猖獗的;

shut out 排斥在外

corporate adj. 公司的;

tilt  v. (使)倾斜,(使)倾侧;

spread v. 扩展,展开;

intuitive adj. 直觉的;直观的;易懂的,使用简便的

liberal arts degree 文科学位

intensive adj. 加强的,集中的,深入细致的;

diverse adj. 不同的,各式各样的

entry level 入门级

drudgery n. 苦工,苦差事

apprenticeship  n. 学徒期;学徒身份

grunt work 苦力工作

grunt v. (表示不愿意讲话时)发出哼声,嘟哝着说;n. (人或动物的)呼噜声;<非正式>干重体力活工资低的工人;

substantive adj. 有实质的;

grapple v. 扭打,搏斗;努力解决问题,应对困境(grapple with);

advisory adj. 顾问的,咨询的

manufacturing n. 制造,制造业

pharmaceutical adj. 制药的;n. 药物;制药公司股票(pharmaceuticals)

overblown adj. 停息的;过分的;夸大的;已盛开过的

edge n. 边,边缘;锋,刃;优势;影响力,奇特的品质;

consult v. 咨询,请教;

consulting adj. 咨询的,顾问的

firm n. 公司,商行;

white-collar jobs 白领工作

interaction  n. 互动,交流;相互影响,相互作用

premium  n. 保险费;(正常价格或费用以外的)加付款,加价;很高的价值,额外价值;额外补贴,津贴

retrieve v. 找回,收回;检索(储存于计算机的信息)

condense  v. 冷凝,凝结;压缩,简缩;浓缩,变浓

synthesise  vi. 合成,接合;vt. 综合地处理;人工合成

oversee v. 监管,监督;看到,无意中看到

infamous  adj. 声名狼藉的;无耻的;邪恶的;不名誉的

hallucination n. 幻觉,幻想;错觉

disproportionately  adv. 不成比例地



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Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd